SMF SSI.php Functions
Current Version: 2.0
This file is used to demonstrate the capabilities of SSI.php using PHP include functions. The examples show the include tag, then the results of it.
Include Code
To use SSI.php in your page add at the very top of your page before the <html> tag on line 1 of your php file:
<?php require("SSI.php"); ?>
Some notes on usage
All the functions have an output method parameter. This can either be "echo" (the default) or "array"
If it is "echo", the function will act normally - otherwise, it will return an array containing information about the requested task. For example, it might return a list of topics for ssi_recentTopics.
This functionality can be used to allow you to present the information in any way you wish.
Additional Guides & FAQ
Need more information on using SSI.php? Check out Using SSI.php article or the SSI FAQ.
Recent Topics Function
Code (simple mode)
<?php ssi_recentTopics(); ?>
Code (advanced mode)
<?php ssi_recentTopics($num_recent = 8, $exclude_boards = null, $include_boards = null, $output_method = 'echo'); ?>